7 May 2011
ANC has failed South Africa’s youth.
Youth League is more concerned about the conspicuous consumption and instant
wealth of its leader, Julius Malema, than pressurising government to address
the needs of the youth. A month ago I spoke at a university graduation. The comment
that received the most applause was my advice to students not to let “Julius
Malema derail them from achieving their dreams.” The fear that he will become
president one day is deep, and thousands of young people are tired of having
him thrust down their throats. The sooner the ANC refrains from using its youth
leaders as pawns in their political games, the better for all of us.
should, instead, invest energy and resources in the holistic development of
young people to prepare them for a better future. In the meantime, our white
counterparts are continuing on an upward trajectory, getting on with life,
educating their children, creating platforms for them to excel in sports and
the arts, and sending them abroad when there is no work for them here. I see
how they excel in the orchestras, the eisteddfods, at public speaking,
classical music and maths and science competitions. Black SA, on the other
hand, is on the decline. And Parliament, as the body that represents us, is itself
a display of mental vacuity. The inanity of public discourse seems almost
deliberate and the youth has become a casualty of the national “dumbing down process.
South African Institute of Race Relations’ Fast
Facts (May 2011) reveals a picture that is grim and bears repeating. Teenage
pregnancies are rife and resulted in some 50 000 of school girls dropping out
of school in 2007 - a 151% increase since 2005. Equally alarming is the result
of a survey conducted in KwaZulu Natal of 14 – 22 year-olds which revealed that
54% of young men left school because of fathering a child. “Girls aged 17 – 19
account for 93% of pregnancies among 15 – 19 year olds and research cited by
LoveLife has suggested that teen pregnancy is much more likely to occur after
school drop out.” “... Abortions among under-18 year olds rose by 124% from
4 432 in 2001 to 9 895 in 2006.”
education results add fuel to the fire. Of the one million students who
enrolled in grade 10 in 2007, 51% wrote the matriculation exams. Of those 31%
passed grade 12 in 2009, and only 10% shockingly gained matriculation
exemptions. On average 17% of 16-18 year olds were not in school in 2006. University
throughput rates are no better. Of 138 000 students who enrolled at
university in 2002, 52% gave up while 15% were still studying after five years.
dysfunctional school system and poor university throughput rates explain the
high unemployment rates amongst the youth. In 2009 48% of SA’s of 15 – 24 year
olds were unemployed; by 2010 unemployment in that group increased to 51%. Some
3.3 million are not in employment, education, or training. This bleak scenario coexists
with high rates of HIV, sexual assault, rape and crime, and dysfunctional
families, where fathers are mostly absent and mothers and grandmothers bear the
brunt of child rearing. With 36% of the entire prison population aged 25 and
under, the future looks bleak indeed.
ANC’s magnificent victory over apartheid paved the way for it to undo the
carnage that the group areas act, forced removals, relocation and resettlement
wreaked on black families. Dominated by an educated black male leadership, the Party
was uniquely placed to create role models for young black men by adopting
policies and programmes to heal family dysfunction caused by the past. Had they
roped in religious and civil society organisations to help them rebuild families,
nurture parental responsibility and build social capital amongst communities, at
the inception of our democracy, SA today would have been a better place. Safe
sex campaigns should have accompanied campaigns about safe relationships,
mutual respect, love and compassion.
the ANC’s gravest error was to mistake change for progress. It has reneged on
one of its most important functions – nation-building. We are sitting on a time
bomb and unless we act fast, society will unravel. To quote John Kerry: “...it
is time for those who talk about family values to start valuing families.”
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