3 February
In my last
column I lamented the relegation of coloured people to the status of voting
fodder whenever an election is looming. A related topic, carried by several
articles in the Independent newspapers recently, is the attempt to taint the
Western Cape as a racist province simply because the coloured people are in the
majority here. We are constantly being told by the ubiquitous Solly Moeng and
Guy Lundy that black professionals feel out of place in the Western Cape, that
there are no black role models for them, and that Cape Town is not really a
black city. These views are based allegedly on some pathetic research conducted
by Accelerate Cape Town. No one ever assumes that coloured people might
similarly feel out of place in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, or Limpopo.
colleagues and I balked at these claims, convinced that this is part of a
pre-election political ploy to taint the DA-led province, as being racist, the
underlying assumption being that the ANC or COPE are the only parties that can
transform the Western Cape into a truly non-racial region.
The truth is
nobody has any evidence of how racist the Western Cape is unless they have
conducted reliable polls in night clubs, in shopping areas, in schools, in
churches, and in residential areas? Have they compared these polls with other
regions? Is it an issue that KwaZulu Natal is predominantly Zulu and Indian?
Does it matter that coloured people are invisible in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and
Limpopo? When we talk about diversity, does it mean that every province should
look like every other one?
I am
increasingly fed up with those who label the Western Cape as more racist than
other provinces and who continue to stereotype coloured people as “those who
did not contribute to the struggle” or “as those who did nothing when black
kids protested against the imposition of Afrikaans” or as “those who refuse to
know their place.” May I remind those self-serving race-minders that coloured
people will refuse to know their place, will refuse to be invisible, and will
refuse to disappear below the radar just to placate those who want their own
dominance to supersede those who rightfully belong here.
people are not a homogenous group and are as diverse, if not more, than most
people in this country. If we look at the cross-pollination going on in this
country, it is clear that the future is coloured, whether we want it or not!
coloured leaders have been clueless in asserting their rightful place in the
greater scheme of things. And like the rest, they have succumbed to the
trappings of power and money, entering political office mainly out of
self-interest. It takes a person like Prof Dick Van der Ross to restore the
history of the coloured people to its rightful place. In recent years this 87
year old educationist has written two very interesting books: one, Buy My Flowers!, the story of some of the
flower sellers of Cape Town, that joyful institution in Adderley Street, forged
out of the misery of the Group Areas Act. He writes about his grandparents from
Constantia and the precincts of Strawberry Lane and how the Group Areas Act
displaced the coloured community from Constantia that has today become the
prestigious up-market white residential area in Cape Town.
The other book, The Black Countess, is the remarkable story of Martha, the daughter
of the freed slave, Rebecca, from the Cape. Wonderfully recreated, this story
is about an independent, much married coloured woman, who raised her children
with pride under difficult circumstances. When Harry Grey, that Oxford educated
drop out met up with her, their lives took a different turn, especially when he
landed the title of Earl of Stamford from his uncle, she instantly becoming the
vastly wealthy Countess of Stamford. Cognisant of the value of freedom and the
role of education in harnessing one’s freedom, Martha ploughed back into her
community by investing in education, starting what later became known as the
Battswood Training College.
stories underscore the fact that boring calls from academics for non-racialism
and the embrace of our common African-ness
are passé. Non-racialism eschews difference, unique historical, ethnic, social,
and cultural experiences, and reduces everyone to nothingness. Coloured people
are part of the rainbow nation; they are here for life; and no one can wish
them away, least of all the likes of Solly Moeng and Guy Lundy.
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